Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Cantelowes Meeting.

The Cantelocals had a meeting last night to talk about the street area, there was a small turn out but highly productive. It was nice of Badger to come along and give some good advice, the main concern of the evening was that a bank was going to be placed at the entrance of the park to be used as a roll in with a rail on the side, but as the park is on a slope there is no need for this and the run up to the rail is far too short, so hopefully the council and contractors will agree in not building it and place a block of some sort instead. All in all the park is still looking to open at the end of November which is not too far away. The night was ended in true Tuesday crew style with Hareth, Victor & myself going skating at Sainsbury's carpark with manuals & boardslides galore.

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